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Workshop: Create Your Own Fantasy Map

Drawing elaborate maps to support your world-building, novels, or games can be daunting. We can all scribble some wobbly lines and claim it’s a continent. And we can all scrawl HERE BE MOUNTAINS and hope for the best. But taking these ‘sketches’ and turning them into a thing of beauty is something quite different. Indeed, for most, it seems impossible.

Andy Law, professional cartographer, intends to prove that assumption incorrect.

This workshop, targeted at beginners and professionals alike, will take you step-by-step through creating your own fantasy maps. Using an easy-to-follow process, Andy will show you how to create cartographical wonders that will never fail to impress.

Your Workshop Leader

Andy Law has been professionally mapping fan-favourite settings for over two decades. He has worked for many companies including Critical Role, Games Workshop, and Penguin Random House. He has contributed to settings including Game of Thrones, Tal'Dorei, Dragon Age, Call of Cthulhu, Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000, and Thunderbirds. Andy is also an award-winning games designer and writer, and he streams online weekly about world-building and games. He lives in Edinburgh with his gaming family, where he works for Rookery Publications, a games company he co-owns with some of the best people in the world.

About the event:

 Running time: 105 minutes including breaks

Venue: Cheviot Room

 Tickets: £18 / £15 (plus 50p booking fee)

 The event will be take place in person. Workshops are not recorded.